Thursday, July 13, 2006

an aside

It's been hectic at work--the academic year finishes for us on Friday and there's been the usual push to tie up loose ends, say goodbye to the leavers and start to fix landmarks for the new term / new year with colleagues.

I have learned that my grant application was successful, so I have funds available from Guildhall to make research trips and purchase resources over the summer vacation. I'm very excited by this, particularly as I can now definitely attend the 'Tinderbox for Research' meeting in Denmark in August. Note to self: must book my place and my travel...

I'm currently in awe of my own ignorance of this whole 'container' topic--there is so much recent work to review! I came across two websites today which are the home of fascinating projects and are going to be worthy of close attention:

The Institute for the Future of the Book (US-based)
Knowledge Media Institute (at The Open University, UK)

I must also learn how to post links and pictures here. I'll do that, then add them to everything so far before proceeding any further.

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